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What We Do

The Farm Bureau of Ventura County publishes or distributes a number of periodical publications specifically geared toward agriculture.

Ag Alert

The most widely read agricultural publication in California, Ag Alert is published weekly by the California Farm Bureau and distributed as a benefit to Farm Bureau members. Click here to learn more.

About the California Farm Bureau

The California Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary membership organization whose purpose is to protect and promote agricultural interests throughout the state of California and to find solutions to the problems of the farm, the farm home and the rural community. Farm Bureau is California’s largest farm organization, comprised of 53 County Bureaus. Farm Bureau strives to protect and improve the ability of farmers and ranchers engaged in production agriculture to provide a reliable supply of food and fiber through responsible stewardship of California’s resources.

You Can Support Ventura County’s Farms & Farmers​

Everyone is eligible to join. Whether you're a farmer, rancher, business owner or simply a resident who appreciates Ventura County's delicious, locally grown food, there is a Farm Bureau membership that fits your interests and budget.